#Willdoes donates £7,050 to Mosaic

As part of our ongoing mission to help young people achieve wellbeing, we have just donated £7,050 to Mosaic; a local charity supporting bereaved children. After losing Will, Mosaic has supported many of his friends during this difficult time, so we wanted to thank them with this donation.

Margaret Hannibal MBE, CEO of Mosaic, said, “On behalf of everyone at Mosaic, I would like to thank you and your Trustees for the very generous donation for our July 2020 Residential Weekend at Leeson House. These weekends make such a difference to the children and young people we work with, reducing isolation, making new friendships and building self-confidence. Thank you once again.”

Mosaic are a Dorset based charity supporting bereaved children and young people, their families and the professionals working with them. 

Founded in 2007, Mosaic was created to fill the gap in bereavement provision across the county. Prior to this, support for bereaved children and young people was limited as the only support available was from hospices offering support after the death of someone suffering from a long-term illness. 

Mosaic supports children and young people who have been bereaved of someone special, such as a parent, sibling, friend or a member of their extended family. This includes all causes of death such as long-term illness, sudden death, suicide, murder or road traffic accident. 

Thank you, Mosaic, for the great work you are doing. We look forward to officially presenting you with the cheque when the Corona Virus restrictions pass, and it is safe to do so.

During this time - with the schools, etc, being closed - the Mosaic counsellors are working from home using on-line video and telephone support.

Please visit their website for more information and advice:  mosaicfamilysupport.org