Please support Arabella & Barney on their marathon journey for #Willdoes

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We are so inspired with the dedication of two local siblings who have taken up running and are currently training for the Southampton Marathon in April. Yesterday they ran 10 miles in the snow!

We asked Arabella (Ginge) & Barney why they started running and why they chose #Willdoes to support.

Ginge: I have always enjoyed sport, whether it is riding the horses, rowing a boat or more recently running. It has always been my escape mechanism from whatever may be causing me stress at the time be it university exams, job issues or sadly grief.

Running became a large part of my life during lockdown number 1 and is testament to why the work that #Willdoes is involved in is so important especially at the moment with what is going on because of COVID.

On the 7th of August while at work I received the heart-breaking news that a close friend from school had an accident and passed away. We had been in contact days before discussing outfits for a party we were going to. It was such a shock that I really struggled mentally and found that getting out and going for a run allowed me to process the news and get out of my room and off social media.

Barney: I am running this marathon because I want to push my body to new heights but more importantly running helps with my mental health. Through the worst moments in my life, I have always used sports not only as a coping mechanism but a relief and because I am not great at talking about my problems and sport has become my favourite way to deal with them.

I am also running this marathon because I think that Willdoes is such a cool concept for a charity because not everyone finds it easy to talk to people about their problems and there are so many sports out there that we can help people find the one that is right for them.

Follow their story on Instagram @sibling_marathonjourney

Well done to both of you!

Please support Ginge and Barney and help them reach their £2500 target and donate via the JustGiving link below.