Olympic athletes turn up to support charity snowboarding event

Two Olympic athletes cheered on young contestants as they performed adrenaline-pumping tricks at Warmwell Snowsports Centre, one of the UK’s top ski and snowboard slopes in Dorset last Sunday, 27 November, in support of #Willdoes.

The annual Snowboard and Ski Jam, which took place at Warmwell, courtesy of Parkdean Resorts, attracted a star-studded crowd.

Two of the charity’s ambassadors – Olympic snow boarder Jamie Nicholls and Olympic cyclist Victoria Pendleton CBE – were present to judge the ‘Best Trick’ prize which they awarded to Deja Parker and Max Baxter-Fox.

The duo won a £200 voucher, donated by Thrudark clothing, for their breath-taking back flip, performed in perfect unison. Louis Tinsley, Thrudark clothing co-founder and former SBS operator, was also present to support the event.

Other fantastic prizes were kindly donated by Big Dreams, the ski and snowboard shop in Wareham, ran by Ben, an independent shop owner with over 35 years of experience.

Said Lesley: “Warmwell is a very special place for the #Willdoes charity as this was one of my son, Will’s, favourite places to hang out – he learnt to do his front flip here! As a charity, we want to encourage young people to pursue all sorts of sports and activities, especially in the outdoors, as we know it has an incredible power to raise spirits and give you a sense of accomplishment.

A big thank you to Ben and Kev for organising the event and for the amazing prizes included snowboards, jackets and goggles donated for the raffle! We raised over £600 for #Willdoes.

Thanks also to Jamie Nicholls Big Dreams Snowboarding Warmwell Snowsports Centre Victoria Pendleton ThruDark

Kristal Bowdler