The Wonderful Studland Ladies raise £2481 for #Willdoes

Wonderful Studland Ladies is a group of women based in or near Studland who have chosen to use their fabulous lockdown location luck by targeting activities and raising funds for local good causes.

The Wonderful Studland Ladies made it to the pyramids of Giza! They walked over 2,200 miles in February (from Studland to Giza) to support #willdoes, whilst collecting rubbish they find along the way.

They have raised £2481 and they want to thank all their supporters for their generous donations and we want to thank the Wonderful Studland Ladies for choosing #Willdoes as their charity for February!

You can follow the ladies on Facebook to see what they have installed for their next challenge.

Thank you!

The Wonderful Studland Ladies Challenges.jpg

Kristal Bowdler