Death of schoolboy William Paddy was 'unimaginable tragedy'

THE death of a talented Purbeck teenager was described as an "unimaginable tragedy" during an inquest yesterday.

William George Paddy, aged 14, was found unresponsive by his mother at their Harman's Cross home last year.

Despite her best efforts to perform CPR he was pronounced dead at the scene by emergency services.

Yesterday, at Dorset Coroner's Court, Bournemouth Town Hall, the court was told a post mortem examination had confirmed the cause of death as 'pressure on the neck'.

William, who was found in his bathroom with a ligature around his neck on the morning of May 29, last year, had never expressed any intention to harm himself, nor was there any indication from his medical history that this was the case, the court heard.

He'd had what was described as a "tit-for-tat" argument with his girlfriend the day before his death, and had drank some brandy taken from his mother without her knowledge after an evening playing video games online.

In the early hours he sent a message to a friend which indicated "he may harm himself, " said Assistant Dorset Coroner Brendan Allen at Wednesday's hearing.

This friend did wake his own mother with his concerns, but they were dismissed.

After considering all evidence in the case, Mr Allen said he was "very sure" that if this friend's mother had thought William was in any danger "she would have acted accordingly."

Tests carried out after his death confirmed William had an alcohol reading only slightly over the legal drink drive limit.

However, recording a conclusion of misadventure, Mr Allen said: "Alcohol is well known to reduce inhibitions, to increase risk taking behaviour and lead to a reduced ability to make reasoned and rational decisions."

Mr Allen, who described William's death as an "unimaginable tragedy" also stressed: "I am satisfied on the balance of probabilities that William did not intend to take his own life."

"Whatever he was doing, it went wrong.

"I am satisfied that he would not have wanted his mother to have found him."

Earlier the hearing heard that William was a talented sportsman, a keen rugby player and horse rider.

Giving evidence, his mother, Lesley Paddy – who has since established a charity in her son's name – said: "He was very active in his social life, played a lot of sports, particularly rugby.

"He was the most loving son anybody could have had."

Speaking to the Echo after the inquest, Lesley said: "I would like to thank the British justice system and Mr Brendan Allen for the verdict of misadventure.

"For myself, family and all of Will's friends it was so important that Will is not defined by his passing but for the beautiful, special person he was.

"Will was my greatest love, my sole reason for being and always will be."

William's father also attended the inquest, supported by family members.

The charity established in William's name is called #Willdoes and works to help young people achieve wellbeing through activities.

Published by the Daily Echo on Thursday 12 March 2020, written by Jim Durkin

Kristal Bowdler