My bubba, my munchkin, my son

#Willdoes William and Lesley Paddy.JPG

My bubba, my munchkin, my son

It was a truly significant day yesterday. I would like to thank the British justice system and Mr Brendan Allen for the verdict of misadventure he gave at the inquest into my Will's passing. For myself, our family and all of Will’s friends, it is so important that Will is not defined by his passing but for the beautiful, special person that he was.

Will had boundless compassion, time for everyone, his friends and his family, and he was always there at the end of the phone or device to listen to his mates and help with anything.
Will was passionate about his snowboarding, riding and rugby.  Basically anything energetic or dangerous!  He was fearless, brave, empathetic and the most loving boy but also he was a typical teenager. The loss I feel will last forever, but I was the luckiest person to have had the best years of my life with Will.
Will suffered some rejection in his short life but he had a close and loving family and so many friends. I think, as adults, we can be selfish and arrogant in thinking that children are not affected by our actions. It is easy to assume they will adapt and cope. However, despite children's resilience, they need unconditional love, affection and security to ensure their well being. They need guiding through the tough times and they need to know how much they are loved.
Losing Will 41 weeks ago has devastated so many of us, but he still shows me the way to carry on by founding the charity #Willdoes. The charity is called #Willdoes because Will threw himself into life, wrote 'Willdoes' in everything he undertook and so, for me, I must continue what Willdoes with energy and determination.
#Willdoes is a charity to help young people achieve well-being through collaborative activities. We know how important it is for young people to connect with others in the real world, gain support as they navigate through this minefield of life, and have guidance to help them achieve their dreams. Will would have wanted this for himself, his friends and for all young people.
This song, so well known, but with lyrics so meaningful, resonates with me and helps me work to give young people the support and love they so desperately need: 
“I believe the children are our future. 
Teach them well and let them lead the way. 
Show them all the beauty they possess inside.
Give them a sense of pride. To make it easier. 
Let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be.”

Will was my greatest love, entwined in my soul, my reason for being and he always will be.
He will be remembered by all his family and friends that loved him so deeply and he will continue to strive to help people through his charity: #Willdoes.
I love you to the moon and back, never ending.
Love  Mummy Gumbar.
Written by Lesley Paddy, Will’s mum and Founder/Chair of #Willdoes.

#Willdoes Fearless Horserider.jpg
Kristal Bowdler