Please help and volunteer at Swanage Carnival 2022

Please help us by volunteering at Swanage Carnival, from bucket shaking to litter picking and even if you can only do one hour.

The main purposes of Swanage Carnival week are to create a fun week for people of all ages and to raise money for their chosen causes. Last year they gave away £28,800, so please attend their events, most of which are free, and give generously to help ensure they can run another Carnival next year and give away even more to their good causes. We are lucky that #Willdoes is one chosen charities they will be donating to.

Please keep reading to find out what to do and how you can help…


If you have charity t-shirts, hats, badges or similar, please wear them to make people aware of the purpose of Carnival.

Bucket Collections: General Advice

  1. Collect your bucket and Hi Vis vest from Sandpit Field (see below for exceptions) and make sure it is recorded on the master sheet

  2. No under 16’s allowed to collect money

  3. Spread yourselves out in the area you have been allocated with no more than two people in a group

  4. When collecting on the road please be aware of moving vehicles or other hazards. If you have children with you make sure you are positioned between them and the road. They should wear their own Hi Vis

  5. Smile, but don’t shake the bucket or react to anyone you think is being mean

  6. If someone says they have no cash, tell them to use the QR codes to be found on the bucket label and in the programme. Many of the Carnal Committee (red t-shirts) will be carrying card readers.

  7. Don’t unseal your bucket at any time

  8. If someone tries to grab the bucket from you, let them take it

  9. If you spot someone collecting suspiciously e.g. with a bucket that is not labelled or sealed correctly, please notify a Carnival committee member asap

  10. Return your bucket to location specified for day/event you are supporting


  • Money Counting: from 9am Sunday 31 July, Thursday 04 and Sunday 07 August. Report to Treasurers Office.

  • Resealing buckets: Every day from 9.30

  • Litter picking: help is always appreciated on Sandpit field. We have equipment and bags. If you have your own equipment, you can use that.

  • Big Clean-up: Sunday 07 August. We must leave the field spotless.

  • Help is always appreciated with Litter picking and the big clean-up on the final Sunday 07 August when we must leave the field spotless.

For other ways of helping at Carnival ask in Information Tent.

If you have any queries, please contact Debbie 07792810811 or



Kristal Bowdler